Cellular Mechanobiology and Morphogenesis

21 August — 24 August 2023, Sirmione, Italy


We are delighted to announce that plenary lectures will be offered by (in alphabetical order) :

Dr. Farid Alisafaei , New Jersey Institute of Technology , USA

Dr. Jose Alvarado , University of Texas at Austin , USA

Prof. Marino Arroyo , University of Barcelona , Spain

Dr. Mattia Bacca , University of British Columbia , Canada

Prof. Carlijn Bouten , Eindhoven University of Technology , The Netherlands

Prof. Leo Cheng , University of Auckland , New Zealand

Prof. Vito Conte , Eindhoven University of Technology , The Netherlands

Prof. Vikram Deshpande , University of Cambridge , England

Dr. Andrew Doyle , NIH Bethesda , USA

Prof. José Manuel Garcia-Aznar , University of Zaragoza , Spain

Prof. Guy Genin , Washington University in Saint Louis , USA

Prof. Alessio Gizzi , University of Rome “Campus Bio-Medico” , Italy

Prof. Delphine Gourdon , University of Glasgow , Scotland

Prof. Frauke Gräter , Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies , Germany

Prof. Ralf Jungmann , Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry , Germany

Dr. Himanshu Kaul , University of Leicester , England

Dr. Enrico Klotzsch , Humboldt University of Berlin , Germany

Prof. Sandra Loerakker , Eindhoven University of Technology , The Netherlands

Prof. Laura Machesky , University of Cambridge , England

Prof. Michele Marino , University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy

Prof. Anotida Madzvamuse , University of British Columbia , Canada

Dr. Eoin McEvoy , University of Galway , Ireland

Prof. Patrick McGarry , University of Galway , Ireland

Prof. Robert McMeeking , University of California , USA

Prof. Laoise McNamara , University of Galway , Ireland

Prof. Paola Nardinocchi , Sapienza University of Rome , Italy

Prof. Amit Pathak , Washington University in St. Louis, USA

Prof. Padmini Rangamani , University of California San Diego , USA

Dr. Tommaso Ristori , Eindhoven University of Technology , The Netherlands

Prof. Pere Roca-Cusachs , University of Barcelona , Spain

Prof. Taher Saif , University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign , USA

Prof. Alberto Salvadori , University of Brescia , Italy

Dr. Ingmar Schön , Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland , Ireland

Prof. Giorgio Scita , IFOM Milan , Italy

Prof. Vivek Shenoy , University of Pennsylvania , USA

Prof. Michael Smith , Boston University , USA

Prof. Massimo Vassalli , University of Glasgow , Scotland

Prof. Viola Vogel , ETH Zurich , Switzerland

This webpage will be updated with presentation titles closer to the colloquium date.